Hunter 2009 notes, the separate but equal doctrine has been kept alive by housing segregation practices and doctor inequitable system of funding for public schooling in doctor United States p. 575. Geographic segregation is one of doctor major contributing factors clinical doctor endurance of school segregation as a result of doctor populations of most public faculties in doctor United States are decided by vicinity. Additionally, a few key policy choices made by doctor Supreme Court in doctor 1990s and 2000s added discouraged integration, thereby supporting doctor re segregation of public schools. In doctor early 1990s, three cases came clinical doctor Supreme Court: Board of Education of Okla homa City v. Dowell 1991, Freeman v. Klassen. 2001. Gambling against doctor state: doctor state and doctor legitimation of gambling. Current Sociology 45:1 22. Cosgrave J. F. Around 16 in every 100,000 males in doctor United States are born with DMD. Females who have one altered gene are carriers. While most female vendors haven’t any signs or indicators of doctor situation, they may adventure some mild signs or indicators in rare cases. The muscle wastage of DMD causes problem strolling and communicating, and finally, respiratory. There is presently no cure for doctor ailment, and patients with DMD have an average life expectancy of just 26 years old. A mutation in doctor dystrophin gene, that is crucial for keeping up muscle fibers, causes DMD.